[Geelong Advertiser]

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(From our own Correspondent)

4th September, 1865.

REV. EDWARD TANNER - This gentleman has just been appointed to the pastoral charge of a district near Adelaide.

Previous to his departure, about 40 gentlemen who, for some years, have had the honor of being intimately acquainted with Mr. Tanner, invited him to a quiet farewell supper. It took place at Stirling's Barwon Hotel. T. Austin, Esq., Barwon Park, being the president of the evening.

The customary toasts having received the usual honors, Councillor W. Stirling was called upon to give the toast of the evening, namely, - "Our Guest:- The Reverend Edward Tanner." In the course of his address the speaker alluded to his twelve years' intimate acquaintance with Mr. Tanner, and with a great deal of pathos dwelt upon the christian affection that had at all times characterised the respected minister's manner to all with whom he had come in contact. Mr. Stirling also adverted to the entire absence of any disposition towards dogmatism or intolerance that had always distinguished his career as a clergyman.

An address was then read and presented wherein was embodied the good wishes of all; attached to the address was a cheque, the exact monetary value of which is not precisely known; but suffice it to observe that a short time previous to the list being closed, it was privately intimated that the amount 'shaped well for fifty.' I say 'privately intimated,' as up to the last moment the reverend gentleman was in utter ignorance that his Winchelsea friends were about to present to him the slight token of respect referred to.

He returned thanks in a most feeling manner.

( "Geelong Advertiser" - Victoria - 5 September 1865 )

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( Source of Image: National Library of Australia )

Rev. Edward Tanner

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